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FSG participates as a speaker in the German Presidency of the Council of the EU presentation event of the new "EU Strategic Framework for equality, inclusion and participation of Roma up to 2030" [editar]

FSG International


The FSG presented the study carried out on the impact of the first wave of COVID 19 on the Roma population in Spain, as well as the conclusions drawn and recommendations within the pannel that the event dedicated to the impact of the pandemic on the Roma population in Europe.

The German Presidency of the Council of the EU and the European Commission have jointly organized the high-level conference (agenda) on the new "EU Strategic Framework for Roma equality, inclusion and participation until 2030", published on 7 October. Through this conference, which was held online, the presentation of the framework was made as well as a first analysis of it, as well as the proposed recommendation sent by the Commission to the European Council of the Union. The main objective is to create a space for dialogue and exchange of knowledge and experiences at all levels and with the participation of civil society, so that stakeholder can express their voice. From our part, as members of the European Coalition of (pro) Roma Civil Society, we made a joint statement in which we set out our point of view on this framework that was transmitted to us on October 6. You can read the statement here:

The event was divided into 4 pannels: fight and prevention of anti-gypsyism and discrimination; promoting participation through empowerment and trust; monitoring and reporting for better learning of appropriate policies and impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the Roma Population. In each of these blocks, different experts, members of civil society and high-level political leaders exchanged views and ideas for the future, taking as a reference the new EU Strategic Framework for Equality, inclusion and participation of Roma up to 2030. Also, during the event some videos of good practices regarding Roma people were broadcast, among them the FSG "Learning by Doing" programme. (watch the video here

From Fundación Secretariado Gitano we had the opportunity to present, within the panel dedicated to the effects of Covid-19 on the Roma population, offering our knowledge from a national perspective of how the impact on the Roma population has been during the first wave of the pandemic, specifically between March and April, coinciding with the hardest moment of the confinement in which situations such as the lack of food and basic necessities were experienced as well as emphasizing the educational gap. In addition, we made recommendations and launched the Emergency Social Fund that helped alleviate the situation of thousands of people.

You can find the full report here:

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