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Online transnational meeting between educational professionals of Spain and Romania [editar]

Teachers, heads of studies, heads of schools, as well as professionals of education and social inclusion of Fundación Secretariado Gitano (FSG) and Terre des Hommes from Spain and Romania shared their difficulties, learnings and strategies to facilitate the (re)incorporation of Roma students in migratory processes between these two countries


Online transnational meeting between educational professionals of Spain and Romania

On July 8th took place an exchange session between educational and social inclusion professionals to facilitate the (re)incorporation of Roma students mainly from Romania in Spain or who have been in the Spanish educational system and have returned to Romania.

Nearly 50 professionals who have students with that profile took part in the meeting, these students usually attend centres hosting a high percentage of migrant students and/or with difficult socioeconomic situations; even some of these centres only have Roma students.

This meeting is the first one developed with these characteristics and the next ones are foreseen for the fall this year and will focus on teacher training and tools to manage diversity in the classroom as well as on the cooperation mechanism that can be established between the Spanish and Romanian centres within the framework of the Misto-Avilean project *.

A lively exchange between participants was very fruitful and focused on how to improve the relationship between schools and Roma families, supports required and available for students, families and schools to back the educational processes of these children and difficulties that need to be overcome specially in migration processes of the students.

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* MISTO AVILEAN is a European project led by the Terres des hommes Foundation in Romania and is carried out in Spain by the Fundación Secretariado Gitano and in France by Afeji, in collaboration with Terre des hommes Foundation in Hungary. The "Misto Avilean!" Initiative seeks to facilitate access to continuous and non-discriminatory education for Roma students from Eastern Europe, mainly from Romania. It is financed by the European Union through the Rights, Equality and Citizenship Program.