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Empleando Digital recognised as good practice by the European project Medici [editar]

FSG Internacional

Empleando Digital recognised as good practice by the European project Medici

Employing Digital, an innovation project developed between 2017 and 2019 between Fundación Secretariado Gitano and the Spanish Red Cross together with the Accenture Foundation, and with co-funded by the European Social Fund and the Accenture Foundation itself, is recognized as a good practice by the Medici Project.

Medici is a two year European project aiming to develop and disseminate widely the existing best practices for integrating vulnerable and disadvantaged groups in the Digital society across the 27 EU member states and UK. The project also aims to connect stakeholders so that they can consolidate existing knowledge and experience in common effort to eradicate digital exclusion, as well as facilitate knowledge exchange between the public, private and civil society actors, creating a sustainable Digital inclusion Knowledge Community.

Empleando Digital is integrated into this initiative as an innovative practice, emphasising the importance of digital skills and the participation of Roma in digital employment. Through the different training actions offered by Empleando Digital, almost 10,000 people in a situation of vulnerability throughout Spain improved their digital skills and their opportunities for labour insertion, including the IT sector. In addition, the project also aimed to the change of the intervention methodologies at the employment programmes of both entities, as well as introduced new digital tools, facilitating the transition from analogic to digital employment pathways.

Empleando Digital received the 2019 Vocational Education and Training (VET) Excellence Awards of the European Social Fund. The Awards, handed over by the European Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs, Skills and Labour Mobility, highlight best practice and recognise excellence in VET all over Europe

Through the inclusion of the Empleando Digital project in the Medici Community, we aim to share the knowledge acquired, favour the replicability in other contexts and enrich ourselves in an innovative knowledge community.

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