FSG Internacional
The objective of the conference was to share the advances in all the projects that are currently in the execution phase in this line of financing (27 projects in total in 15 countries of the EU area), with the idea of being able to Share experiences with other partners about the social context, objectives achieved and main challenges that we are facing at this beginning of the project implementation. Under this central theme we had the opportunity to be invited as speakers to one of the panels of the agenda with the tittle ‘Vulnerable Groups and Competence Development’ , offering our vision and experience in the execution of our project “Find your way to the world of work” together with Trust for Social Achievement, one of our partners in this project.
On the other hand, we had the opportunity to see a first draft of the "Base-line study on youth employment in 15 + 3 beneficiary countries of the Grant Fund of EEA Norway Grants" where the funder promotes projects focused on Youth and employment . We have contributed to this study based on our "Comparative study on the situation of the Roma population in Spain in relation to employment and poverty 2018". These data provided were satisfactorily received by the team responsible for the study, and will be incorporated in the section that analyzes the situation of youth in Spain, making a specific review of the situation of Roma youth in Spain. This study will be published in its final version in the month of January 2020.