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The Fundación Secretariado Gitano starts a new European project focus on young people between 18 and 29 years old [editar]

This new project aims to support young people (mostly of them Roma) in a situation of vulnerability to complete compulsory education and access to post-compulsory levels and to have access to decent work.



It is a project funded by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA Norway Grants Fund for Youth Employment, and it will be implemented in partnership with other four entities: Autonomia Foundation (leader) of Hungary; Association "Cáritas - Asistencia Social", Branch of the Caritas Alba Iulia Organization of Romania; Trust for Social Achievement Foundation Bulgaria and Arete Youth Foundation, both from Bulgaria.

The project aims to support young people to have better access and complete compulsory secondary education and access to post-compulsory education, focusing on vocational training as well as the transition from school to the labour market. Employment is interpreted as legal employment in the primary labour market, in positions that coincide with the educational level of the individual.

The project "FIND your way to the world of work" aims to create a space for the exchange of experiences and practical methodologies used by the partners, in order to improve them and compile a set of innovative methodologies and approaches that can be used as examples of good practices and for the elaboration of political recommendations.

All partners have extensive experience enhancing education/employment opportunities for young people at risk of exclusion, especially Roma. The first phase of the project will focus on the exchange of experiences and mutual learning, in order to be able to incorporate what has been learned in the work with the young people and which will be carried out by selected local mentors based on their experience and proximity to the communities group that they will support. Their work will be based on joint work with communities, families and participants. Participation will take place in selected cities / regions of each country, where intensive cooperation will be provided with schools and companies. From FSG we are developing this project in the cities of Madrid, León, Santander, Pamplona and Seville.

The initial phase of the process began with a strategic and organizational meeting in November 2018, and it is expected to extend it until October 2022.

For a full description of the project with objectives, methodologies and outputs you can follow this link

Also the "FIND" project has a specific website where you can follow the specific activities and updates at



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