Mayte Suárez is Deputy Assistant Director-General for Participation, Human and Territorial Development of the Fundación Secretariado Gitano (FSG), as well as Territorial Director of the FSG in Extremadura.
She was elected in 2015 director of EAPN Extremadura (The European Anti-Poverty Network), a position that she has occupied until this year.
On July 1, she was elected president of the Platform of the Third Sector of Extremadura (PTSEX) unanimously, replacing Manuel López Risco, who has chaired the organization since 2015.
She is the first Roma woman who become as President of a Regional Platform in Spain and it represents a recognition of the great work that Mayte Suárez is developing in the social field.
The Third Sector Platform of Extremadura is an non-profit Organization at regional scope related to the Third Sector of Social Action of which the following Organizations are members: the Extremeña Association of Foundations (AFEX), Cáritas Regional of Extremadura, the Committee of Entities Representatives of People with Disabilities of Extremadura (CERMI-Extremadura), the Spanish Red Cross in Extremadura, the Spanish National Organization for the Blinda of Extremadura (ONCE-Extremadura), the Platform of Volunteering of Extremadura, and the European Anti-Poverty Network in Extremadura (EAPN-Extremadura).