FSG Internacional
The EU Roma week is a week that the European Parliament dedicates to the Roma people and to improve the situation of many Roma people in Europe. The week is hosted by Members of the European Parliament and organised under the patronage of the European Parliament and the European Commission.
Although the organisers usually make it coincide with the International Roma Day on 8th April, this year it took place a bit earlier because of the European Elections in May.
This edition was the last EU Roma week of the European Parliament´s eighth term (2014-2019) and took stock of all that has been achieved in this time. The European Parliament Anti-Racism and Diversity Intergroup (ARDI) has promoted this annual event that has become an important date for policy makers and organisations concerned with improving the situation of Roma people in Europe.
Among the activities organised in the framework on this year´s EU Roma week, on Monday, March 18, the Alliance against anti-Gypsyism held a meeting that was followed by a reception hosted by the German Roma MEP Romeo Franz.
On Tuesday, March 19, the European Commission together with the Roma Civil Monitor project held a policy debate “Reality Check: Evaluating the EU Framework for National Roma Integration Strategies” that looked at the impact of the Framework and its implementation in the different member states.
On Wednesday, March 20, a panel debate analysed how the Agenda 2030 and the sustainable development goals can contribute to combatting antigypsyism and how to include the demands of the Roma people within these objectives. The FSG presented its ideas and approach based on its active involvement on this issue at national level.
Also on Wednesday 20, the ARDI intergroup of the European Parliament organized a meeting to take stock of all that has been achieved in the fight against discrimination by the Parliament during this term (2014-2019) and also recommendations for the future Parliament were made.
One of the most important events of the 2019 EU Roma Week was the high-level conference “Creating Trust through Uncovering and Recognising the Truth: Advancing Recognition and Remedy for Anti-Gypsyism” that started on Wednesday 20 March and continued on Thursday. The first day European representatives opened the event and examples of truth and reconciliation commissions in different parts of the world were presented. The audience had a chance to hear the testimonies of victims in different processes of discrimination and racism. On the second day, the Center for policy studies of the Central University of Budapest presented a report on the feasibility of these commissions on anti-Gypsyism. Sara Giménez, the Head of the of the Equality and Non-Discrimination Department of the FSG, presented her views on the report and talked about the need of adressing all kinds of antigypsyism (low and high impact form).