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European Parliament call to strengthen National Roma Inclusion Strategies and step up the fight against anti-gypsyism [editar]

FSG Internacional

European Parliament call to strengthen National Roma Inclusion Strategies and step up the fight against anti-gypsyism

FSG values positively the Resolution, which provides guidance to the European Commission and Member States to strengthen future National Strategies and to intensify the fight against anti-gypsyism together with the social inclusion objectives.

On 12 February, the plenary of the European Parliament adopted a Resolution on the need to strengthen the EU Framework for National Roma Inclusion Strategies after 2020 and to step up the fight against anti-gypsyism. This is an important document that intends to provide guidance to the European Commission in the development of the post-2020 European Framework and to the Member States in the subsequent design of their National Strategies.

This Resolution builds upon the specific discrimination faced by European Roma (anti-Gypsyism), who are still being deprived of their basic human rights, and the fact that, in line with the recently published European Commission mid-term evaluation of the European Framework, the ambition of putting an end to the exclusion of Roma has not been achieved (although the framework has been key for the development of EU and national instruments and structures aiming to promote Roma inclusion).

The document argues that progress achieved is limited overall. Aspects such as the school segregation, the limited medical coverage, the access to employment (with the share of young Roma not in employment, education or training even increased) and housing or the reduction of poverty are still serious concerns. In this context, the European Parliament puts forward to the European Commission and Member States a number of proposals to address the situation.

FSG agrees on the need to explicitly recognise and pay further attention to the fight against discrimination and particularly the anti-gypsyism in the future EU Framework. In addition, we consider essential that, in line with the European Commission mid-term evaluation, action in these fields is complemented, and not replace, action in the current Roma inclusion goals (employment, education, housing and health), which contribute to ensure that Roma people enjoy from the same opportunities as the rest of the population.  

Likewise a clear focus to ensure and safeguard the effective inclusiveness of mainstream public policies with Roma population should be promoted. As highlighted in the European Commission mid-term evaluation, adopting a twin strategy that combines the consideration of Roma people in mainstream policies in areas such as employment, education, health and housing, together with targeted measures to overcome the specific disadvantages and guarantee an effective equal access in all fields is essential to advance towards equality, social inclusion and non-discrimination of the Roma population in the EU.   

Finally, it is of key importance to reinforce the coherence between the EU Framework and other policies, both at EU and international level, as well as to intensify the connection between policy priorities and the EU funding, including European Structural and Investment Funds (ESI Funds).  

FSG also values positively the following proposals included in the Resolution: 

  • The establishment of clear and binding targets, timelines and indicators for monitoring, together with the allocation of substantial public funds to this end;
  • The sufficient involvement of Roma representatives, NGOs and equality bodies;
  • The use of ESI Funds to improve the living conditions and life chances of Roma;
  • Strengthened National Roma Contact Points in terms of mandate, institutional capacity, human resources and budget and the positioning within the structure of their public administrations;
  • The appropriate consideration of multiple and intersectional discrimination, gender maisntreaming and a child-sensitive approach;
  • The attention to specific groups, such as EU Roma exercising their right to freedom of movement, and non-EU nationals, including Roma from accession countries;
  • The promotion of a truth, recognition and reconciliation process in the Strategic Framework/National Strategies as well as concrete cultural and structural measures and initiatives supported by public funds.