FSG Inclusión Social
The Fundación Secretariado Gitano participates, along with organisations from Hungary, France, Romania and Spain in this transnational project funded by the European Commission whose main objective is to promote successful educational pathways for Roma children from Eastern European countries.
The Misto Avilean! (‘Welcome’, in Romani) Project will be undertaken until November 2020 in Hungary, France, Romania and Spain. It aims to promote successful educational pathways for Roma children from Eastern, Central and Western European countries by ensuring a quality and non-disruptive education for these children. To this end, the project aims to:
Partners in this initiative are Magyarorzagi Terre des Hommes Alapitvany Lausanne (Hungary),Afeji (France), Fundatia Terre des Hommes-Elvetia (Romania), Fundatia Policy Center for Roma and Minorities (Romania) and Fundación Secretariado Gitano (Spain).
In Spain, the territories that will participate in this initiative are Asturias, Comunidad Valenciana and Cataluña.
This programme is financed by the European Commission, through the Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme (Directorate-General of Justice and Consumers).
The kick-off meeting of the project took place in January 2019 in Bucharest (Romania). Project partners are currently organising focus groups with families and professionals to analyse the existing barriers in the educational processes of Roma children on the move. Outcomes will serve as basis for the development of the different tools of the project.