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Innovation and Virtual Reality for occupational training [editar]

The #EmpleandoDigital project of Fundación Secretariado Gitano starts a pilot experience in collaboration with the Accenture Foundation

FSG Empleo

Innovation and Virtual Reality for occupational training

With #EmpleandoDigital we participate in a pilot project where virtual reality becomes the protagonist for occupational training. Participants of the Acceder Employment Programme in Madrid, have put on virtual reality glasses to experience this innovative tool that promises to revolutionize training to improve access to employment.

"Empleando Digital" is the innovation project that the Fundación Secretariado Gitano develops in collaboration with the Red Cross, co-financed by the European Social Fund and the Accenture Foundation. In these moments with Empleando Digital, a pilot phase of application of virtual reality in training environments begins with other NGOs and companies that contribute their knowledge and experience in training processes on technology to see how it affects their sector and in different occupations. .

Virtual reality allows to generate scenarios and situations with which a person can interact. Its application in occupational training generates real scenarios that provide the experience of the tasks to be performed in a future job. It is a practice different from a conventional class, online training or reading. In virtual reality, the person is immersed in the scenario that has been designed looking for the sensation of being "living" the situations that are posed in a more effective way.

In the theoretical and practical training from the Fundación Secretariado Gitano, virtual reality can be a good complement to its model. Although the theoretical and practical phases will continue to be necessary, this technology is considered as a bridge and a contribution of value between what has been learned from the theoretical and what is experienced in the practices.

Virtual reality allows us to access training in the use of digital devices in a virtual environment; to raise situations and scenarios in which the person has to solve a series of difficulties in the framework of their work, so that when faced with real work practices, they have a reference on how to manage stress and communicate with other departments and with clients through the procedures established in the company (using incident and request reporting tools, internal chats, the work plan ...).

At this time, the pilot project has been launched with the employment teams of Madrid in Carabanchel, Vallecas and Villaverde. For this experience, some "scenes" or virtual reality lessons directed to the cleaning sector have been designed and, specifically, one of them, to the occupation of "floor waiter". This occupation is one of the most affected by digital transformation, incorporating wearables, domotic elements, control of schedules and services through digital media, among others.

The differentiating element of this tool is that the person experiences the virtual exercise situation, as a class exercise in a safe environment, thus facilitating learning and experience.

This training has a promising potential in training courses, or as specific training for people already trained, who need an update, or even for people from other professional sectors with whom they want to train the use of digital devices and procedures.

Participants in the Acceder Employment Program in Madrid, as well as people who currently work in the Uzipen insertion company, have tested these virtual reality lessons, showing themselves mostly satisfied with the experience. They appreciate and highlight the feeling of immersion in the experience and the attractiveness of the proposed training model.

For Estefanía Castillo, the experience has seemed very practical and better than theory. After removing his virtual reality glasses, he emphasized: "This exercise puts you in a position and I think that when I go to the internship, I'm sure I do it better." In addition, I found it very entertaining, I would love them to use virtual reality in other courses "

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