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The Roma Civil Monitor project publishes the Spanish report [editar]

The report includes the follow-up that Civil Society has made of the compliance of the spanish National Roma Integration Strategies within the European framework of the Strategies for Roma inclusion. This report is part of a European project that involves more than 90 organizations to make monitoring reports on the National Roma Integration Strategies in all European Union countries.


The Roma Civil Monitor project publishes the Spanish reportThe report includes the follow-up that civil society has made of compliance with National Roma Integration Strategies within the European frameork of the Strategies for Roma inclusion. This report is part of a European project that involves more than 90 organizations to make monitoring reports on the National Roma Integration Strategies in all European Union countries.

The Spanish report on the implementation of Roma inclusion strategies has been prepared by a coalition of Roma NGOs led by the Khetane Platform, in addition to the organizations Fakali, Kamira, Kale Dor Kayiko and Kamira. Fundación Secretariado Gitano coordinates this coalition, as well as the French, Italian and Portuguese coalitions.

This report provides added value by being carried out by organizations that are in contact with the field and that monitor implementation at the local level, as well as having training in the collection of data and the realization of this type of report.

The aforementioned report is divided into three main chapters: on the one hand, Governance and Overall Policies and, on the other hand, addressing antigypsyism and Anti-Discrimination policies.

The chapter on Governance and Overall policies analyzes institutions and representation, as well as general policies that take into account those specific to Roma inclusion.

Regarding addressing antigypsism, the study analyzes institutional adjustments to combat discrimination and tackle anti-Gypsyism.

This is an important project since it makes governments responsible for fulfilling their commitments in improving conditions in which a large part of Roma live in Spain.

The report highlights the lack of political power of the National Contact Point, responsible for the implementation of the strategy. The report also shows that the body responsible for equality in Spain, the Council for the Elimination of Racial or Ethnic Discrimination, has been without a director for several years after having resigned the previous one. In the same way it highlights the situations of segregation that Roma people suffer with special concern to educational segregation.

More information in the full report (in English, soon also in Spanish):

In addition, by the end of 2018 the second monitoring report will be published, which will include other key chapters such as access to employment and education. Therefore, This project contributes to the strengthening of the monitoring and accountability mechanisms in the application of the National Strategies of Inclusion of the Roma population through systematic monitoring by civil society.

You can find more info about the project and other country reports:


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