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The Macedonian Minister of Employment visited the FSG headquarters to study the transfer of the Acceder programme [editar]

FSG Internacional

The Macedonian Minister of Employment visited the FSG headquarters to study the transfer of the Acceder programme

The Minister of Labor and Social Policy of Macedonia, Mila Carovska, accompanied by her team, as well as representatives of the Unit for policies for Roma inclusion, also the director of the National Employment Service and a delegation of the United Nations visited the Fundación Secretariado Gitano to study in depth the programs we carry out, focusing on the Acceder programme, which they are studying to transfer it to the Balkan country.

The Acceder programme is recognized as good international practice by numerous institutions such as the International Labor Organization, the European Commission among others ... It was launched in 2000 and due to its great results has been transferred to other countries such as Bosnia and it is under study in Italy and now the Republic of Macedonia is studying to launch this program to boost the employment of Roma people in this country.

The study visit lasted 4 days from Monday, July 2nd to Thursday, July 5th. On the first day that took place at the FSG headquarters, they learnt about the Acceder program, its philosophy, implementation and results. On the second day, the delegation travelled to Valladolid to learn first hand the partnership philosophy of Acceder and visited some of the collaborating companies as IKEA or ISS.

On the third day, the minister and her delegation returned to the headquarters of the FSG to meet about the integrated approach for the inclusion of Roma people with other programs such as Promociona, or the Calí programme for equal treatment with Roma women.

Apart from these meetings with the FSG, the minister met with representatives of employment and social policies at national, regional and local level.

Macedonian minister words after study session on Acceder programme

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