Fundación Secretariado Gitano
On 8th of April is the International Roma Day, to remember the history of Roma and pay a tribute for the Roma Victims of the Nazi Holocaust and other prosecutions over the centuries. This date, commemorates the Fisrt Roma World Congress held in London on 8th of April 1971 where the Roma flag and anthem where established. For this reason, during these days different commemorative events are happening.
As in previous years on the 8th of April, the entities part of the National Roma Council, among them FSG, we cast a sensitizing campaign. This year with the motto “For a dignified treatment for Roma in the media”, it will be spread in social media. It is a call of attention to the whole society for the stereotyped image that some TV programs still showing with the subsequent damage on the Roma community social image.
This action has a video cast on social media along with a poster made by Eneko, postcards, pins and a manifesto for the International Roma Day written by the famous writer Manuel Rivas.
In the video, boys and girls of the #yonosoytrapacero 2015 campaign show again together with other Roma adults to show their disapproval for these TV programs and the damage to the Roma community image.
Following the events celebrated for the 8th of April, the European Parliament celebrated the Roma Week organized by EP´s and European NGO´s, among them FSG. In this event around hundred Roma activist together with EP´s and other European Institutions Representatives shared debates, conferences and exhibitions focused in the situation of the Roma community in Europe and Antigypsism.
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