FSG International
The first phase of the Project focused on making an intervention model for implementing the Acceder program to the Italian context. To do so, a diagnosis of the situation of the four regions of the south of Italy implied in the project has been made, also the macroeconomic situation of the region, the reality of the Roma community living there as well as the main characteristics of the business context and the Roma associative movement. These are fundamental aspects to have into account when making the transfer of the Acceder program to other contexts.
Furthermore, seminars took place in the four regions implied (Calabria, Sicilia, Campania and Puglia). These seminars worked as information and inclusive policies for social excluded groups study sessions as well as to know the tools, laws and inclusive practices. The seminars gathered the local and regional authorities, NGO´s representatives, desk officers, academia and cultural representatives aiming to activate a debate process and stimulate synergies between the regional Operative Programs and future pilot experiences.
The final conference took place in Naples, it was led by Marco de Giorgi (UNAR), it counted with the presence of national and regional authorities. This was the final event of this phase of the project that will be continued in the following Programing Period through a project where a pilot city will be selected to start the Acceder program with the idea of repeating it on some Italian cities thanks to ESF funding.
From the FSG we thank and celebrate the local and regional authorities welcoming of the program and we value very positively the steps that Italy is taking to refocus the policies that exclude Roma and opt for an inclusion model focused on the employment promotion.