More than 9000 people came to FSG “Open Day”, a celebrating day but also informing where children and also adults enjoyed the various activities and had the opportunity to meet the Roma culture and the impact of the FSG work.
More than 9000 people among neighbors, FSG staff, other organizations and companies, partners, volunteers and friends participated in the second FSG “Open Day”. “We opened our offices door to show an inside view of the impact of our work but also to create a place for celebrating and sharing; to get Roma culture a bit closer. It´s been an extraordinary day to share the illusion and the compromise that unites us” said Isidro Rodríguez, FSG General Director.
Under the motto “Come, there´s a lot which unite us” FSG celebrated its “Open Day” simultaneously in 50 of its 56 offices throughout Spain, each office with an activities program adapted to its work, its neighborhood and the people who is working with, who participated actively on every actions.
The FSG headquarter in Madrid gathered more than 500 people. It started at 5.30 p.m. With different outdoor activities where children enjoyed and learned about Roma culture. There were also activities for the adults as a competition prepared by Promociona orientation and educative support staff. They also could enjoy “Cajon flamenco”, “palmas” and a Roma Stories teller. The finishing touch was done by Pablo Rubén Maldonado, “El Guille” and Samara Losada with a wonderful flamenco concert.
“It has been very funny. Kids enjoyed very much and so did I. I knew about FSG work and by the way, I am partner since some months ago, but I didn´t know the real impact of their work, I believed it was littler. The projects are really having an impact on thousands of Roma families and it can make the difference”, said Piedad Segura, FSG partner.
This celebrating day was “an opportunity to thank our partners and collaborators their implication and trust in our project”, said Rocío García FSG Madrid Executive Director. “Their support is crucial to continue struggling for the equality of opportunity for Roma”
Knowing the impact of FSG work during 2014
Besides, through information points, expositions, stands and the programs participants testimony, people could know the real impact of the FSG work in 2014. It is also published in the 2014 FSG Annual report. Available online: www.fsg-informeanual.org
In 2014, FSG reached 106.401 people, mostly Roma and 35.136 got directly benefit from the 310 programs focused mostly on employment, education, housing and non-discrimination. Through the Acceder training and employment program 3292 people got a job, 5109 contracts were signed and 4213 people had quality training leading to employment.
In education, Promociona the orientation and educative support program allowed 94% of the students who participated on it get the Secondary title and 86,6% of them continue their post compulsory studies. In 2014, Promociona worked directly with 1357 students, 1148 families in 384 schools in 100 Promociona classrooms.