We present our "2014 annual Report" in digital format at the web www.fsg-informeanual.org and a brochure summary in paper.
We are present in 14 out of 17 regions in Spain, 56 working places, and intervention in 76 localities. During 2014, FSG attended 106.401 participants in their 310 programs (training and employment, education, housing, fight against discrimination among others).The number of people that got benefit directly from these actions (from one or more programs) makes a total 35.136.
In words of Isidro Rodríguez, FSG Director “2014 has been a year to confirm that poverty is growing, but discrimination is not decreasing. There is a disconnection between the policies proposed and the measures applied. Besides, after seven years of economic crisis, we have seen a deep deterioration of the situation of the most vulnerable people. There´s been a transfer of the families that were on moderate poverty to extreme poverty. 54% of the Roma families are in severe exclusion situation, as FOESSA report informed”.
We are suffering hard crisis times with very high unemployment rates. FSG response is to impulse employment and education as access gates to inclusion. The remarkable results of our programs confirm them as effective tools to combat exclusion. Acceder training and employment program attended 17.568 people, 3292 of them got a job. In total 5.109 employment contracts were signed.
Furthermore, “Learning by doing”, a training and internship program for excluded youth, in collaboration with many of the main companies in our country, got a working insertion of 45%, making 214 youngsters find a job. It is a great impact in the improvement in their living conditions and their families.
One of the main concerning of FSG focus on the serious drop out figures presented by Roma students situated in 64%. In opposition to this, the educative program Promociona, get a graduated rate of 94% among their students. 86,6% of the Promociona students continue their post compulsory education. In 2014 Promociona worked with 1357 students and 1148 families in 384 schools, setting 100 Promociona classrooms.
In 2014, FSG had the recognition of United Nations Habitat Committee for the “Program to eradicate shanty towns in Segovia” representing a great boost to the work done in their struggle for the elimination of segregated settlements and defense of decent housing for all.
"Discrimination against Roma remains entrenched and widespread in this society, Roma are very lonely and it seems they are still far from deserving the solidarity and sympathy of others" says the director of the FSG. "The Equal Treatment and Anti-Discrimination is one of the main pillars in the work of FSG." In this regard, FSG made actions to combat discrimination in 2014. Such as denounces to prosecutors for the burning of the houses of Roma in Estepa and Castellar. Also obtained a conviction against Autonomous Police by falsely accuse a Romanian Roma woman of mistreating her baby.
Other key actions against child poverty and exclusion, mainly in collaboration with Caixa Proinfancia program made possible to cover the needs of almost 2.400 minor and their families, victims of a situation which, in case of not being attended, will condemn them to poverty for generations.
FSG. Lo realizado en 2014
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