The Code of Conduct has been adopted on 7th January by the European Commission setting out the objectives and criteria to ensure that Member States implement the partnership principle within the Structural and Investment Funds for the period 2014-2020. The regulation makes an explicit reference to the participation of Roma people in Partnership Agreements and programmes.
“Specific attention should be paid to including groups who may be affected by programmes but who find it difficult to influence them, in particular the most vulnerable and marginalised communities, which are at highest risk of discrimination or social exclusion, in particular persons with disabilities, migrants and Roma people.”
The main objective of the Code of Conduct is that Member States strengthen cooperation between the authorities responsible for spending the EU funds and project partners by improving consultation processes, transparency, participation and dialogue with partners during the whole process (planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation) of projects financed by the European and Investment Funds[1].
The document indicates that the partners involved should be at least regional, local, urban and other public authorities, trade unions, employers, non-governmental organizations and bodies responsible for promoting social inclusion, gender equality and non-discrimination. In fact, the text states that “for each programme, Member States shall identify the relevant partners among at least the following:
The Regulation has been adopted together with the release of a set of good practices in this field in order to support Member States in the adoption of each National Partnership Agreements, which will be done in the next months.
Source and additional information: European Commission, DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion
[1] ESIF: European Social Fund, European Regional Development Fund, Cohesion Fund, European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development and the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund