Spanish version

Equal treatment and Roma Community in 2005
Annual report Discrimination and the Roma Community
Summary of 137 cases of dicrimination
7 case studies
Equal treatment and the Roma Community: headway made in 2005
The State Council of the Roma People
Non-legislative motion of 27 September 2005 urging the government
to promote the culture, history, identity and language of the Roma people
Special Report by the Valedor do Pobo (Ombudsman) regarding the situation
of the Roma population in Galicia
Special Report by the Andalusian Ombudsman concerning shanty towns
“Prejudice means letting others put words in our mouths”: phase two of
the Fundación Secretariado Gitano’s awareness raising campaign entitled
“Get to know them before judging them”
Fundación Secretariado Gitano Study “Roma population and Employment”
Conclusions and recommendations